Electrical and Electronic Waste (E-waste) Collection Sites A) E-waste Collection Depo (For the General Public Only) Sg Akar Transfer Station Map

B) E-waste Collection Depo (For Government Agencies)
Sg Paku Engineered Landfill Map

1) Kindly fill in and complete the Consignment Note Form (Part A, B, C and D only)2) Attach relevant documents ( Cover Memorandum/Letter and Approval Letter from the Ministry of Finance and Economy)3) Submit the Consignment Note form with relevant documents to the address:
Director, Department of Environment Parks and Recreation, 4th Floor, Bangunan Tumasek Plaza, Jalan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Bandar Seri Begawan BA 1910
Negara Brunei Darussalam