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Air Quality in Brunei Darussalam

In 2024, Brunei Darussalam achieved 99.5% of air quality within the ‘Good’ PSI range. Brunei Darussalam is blessed to be able to enjoy good air quality for most of the year. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that the Sultanate is among the top 10 countries with the safest and cleanest air with annual mean concentrations of Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 lower than WHO’s guidelines of 10 µg/m3. Although to date Brunei Darussalam has not experienced any major air pollution, however, with the growth of industries the country must always be vigilant in monitoring air quality. 

Air Quality 2010-2020 PSI 2021.png

​Predominantly air pollution in the country is caused by the occurrence of transboundary haze in the region. Air pollution is also caused by open burning activities and air emissions from the growing industries. Haze can worsen from local land and forest fires from open burning activities especially during dry spells that occur between late January to March as well as June to August.

Brunei Darussalam along with other ASEAN Member States, is a member party of the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution since 2003. As party of the agreement, the 10 ASEAN countries are committed to prevent, monitor and mitigate land and forest fires to control transboundary haze pollution.

How is our air quality managed?

Brunei Darussalam's air quality, is under the purview of the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (JASTRe), Ministry of Development.  Since 2005, the Department operates and maintains a network of automatic real time air monitoring stations strategically located in the four districts throughout the Sultanate which reports PSI readings daily on the Department's website ( Currently, a total of 6 monitoring stations are operated directly under JASTRe. These stations are linked to the central monitoring centre at the Department's headquarters in Bandar Seri Begawan. Pollutants monitored are PM 10 and PM 2.5.

What actions have been taken by the Authority?

The Department  plays a major role in ensuring that the Sultanate's air is clean and safe for the people of Brunei Darussalam.  This is carried out through guidelines set in place by JASTRe. With population and rapid economic growth, air quality must be constantly monitored. The Department targets to achieve PSI readings with 100% days within the "Good" range towards achieving Brunei Vision 2035 for clean air. To further support this effort, the Department is also in the final stages of developing the Open Burning Regulations.

How can you help keep our air clean?

The air we breathe directly impacts our health and well-being.  Air pollutants are invisible to the naked eye and odorless, therefore it can be difficult to imagine that we are exposed to a myriad of air pollutants. Although the government has implemented several initiatives to maintain the Sultanate's air quality, the population can greatly contribute by practicing proper waste management disposal. This can be done through engaging with licensed waste collectors, sending rubbish to authorized waste collection sites or practice composting green waste (such as leaves and yard waste). Through this we can avoid or reduce the need for open burning activities. Keeping our air safe and clean requires concerted effort from all of us to achieve our 2035 Brunei Vision target of 100%  days of clean air.


Prepared by:
Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation
Ministry of Development
Date Published: January 2025