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Skip Navigation LinksEnvironmental Acts and Guidelines


1) Environmental Protection and Management Act, Chapter 240
2) Hazardous Waste (Control of Export and Transit) Order, 2013

Acts from relevant government agencies adopted by the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation

1) Penal Code, Chapter 22


In 2002, the Pollution Control Guidelines for the Industrial Development in Brunei Darussalam is adopted for the control of emissions, effluents and discharge from various development and construction activities.

Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Brunei Darussalam serve as a guidelines for project proponents to survey, predict and assess environmental impacts and study possible enviornmental protection measures relating to prescribed activities in the following areas:

 1) Agriculture
 2) Airport
 3) Drainage and Construction
 4) Land Reclamation
 5) Fisheries
 6) Forestry
 7) Housing
 8) Industrial
 9) Infrastructure
10) Ports
11) Mining
12) Petroleum
13) Power Generation and Transmission
14) Quarries
15) Railways
16) Transportation
17) Resort and Recreational Development
18) Waste Treatment and Disposal
19) Water Supply  

​Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Brunei Darussalam is also established to complement the Pollution Control Guidelines for the Industrial Development in Brunei Darussalam.